
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: February 2013

  • Emptiness IV

    Don: Last week we looked at “emptiness” in the context of the desert environment in which Jesus spent 40 days and nights and was tempted by Satan. The desert is a barren, empty, dry, arid, lifeless place, filled with need and want (from the human perspective, though scientifically we know it has a thriving ecology.)…

  • Emptiness and True Community in the Chaos of the Kumbh Mela

    I wonder if the article below brings us any insights on the question of community? The pilgrims seem to experience a sort of emptiness and silence at the very height of the festival cacophany. I have to say, having visited India and seen it first hand, that India does a laudable job of maintaining a…

  • Emptiness III

    Don: We have been talking about the transition from pseudo community to true community, through a phase of emptiness. We’ve studied it in part with reference to the transition that took place in the early Christian church, when its Jewish founders were told by God to welcome in the gentile. (Acts 10.) There followed much…

  • Sometimes it’s enough to drive one to God

    by Ramesah Babu Batchu, Ph.D. I like to watch the History channels, Discover, and Science.  But sometimes they make me so sad and I turn them off. The concept of a God who metes out justice and punishment to wrongdoers has no meaning in my world. I have no answers to existential questions so I…

  • From Chaos to Community

    by David Ellis This essay seeks to outline science’s potential contribution to an understanding of the “Emptiness” stage of M. Scott Peck’s four-stage  process of community building, which we began discussing in Community, Kingdom, and M. Scott Peck (January 12, 2013. The four stages are : Pseudo community, Chaos, Emptiness, and True community.) This essay…

  • Emptiness II

    Don: We’ve talked about community in the context of Matthew 18, and of M. Scott Peck’s analysis of the phases of community, and of the Book of Acts. In the first part of the latter, the church is pretty much of one mind, and was quite functional until “other sheep not of this fold” started…

  • Emptiness

    In connection with the proposed new class blog, Don remarked that more than 30 years ago, his church leaders approached him about ways to deal with church members who would raise issues or make statements in bible class that others found discomfiting. He was asked to lead a class whose principle criterion would be openness…