
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: June 2014

  • Science and Religion III

    Don: For much of the history of man, things of the spirit and things of the flesh—things of nature and things of god—were combined and overlapped. Until the 19th century the term “science” did not even exist: The term used was “natural philosophy.” Its students were not scientists but “natural philosophers.” Their interest was to…

  • Science and Religion II

    Don: We have been discussing the relationship between things of the body, which I will call science, and things of the spirit, which I will call faith or religion. In linking forgiveness (a thing of the spirit) with healing (a thing of the body), Jesus is simply recognizing the worldview of the time. Illness had…

  • Stages of faith: the evolution of love

    Hi Everyone, I would like to share this with you; comments are encouraged. 🙂 These are just some thoughts I’m having recently. They are not complete, and not explained by the best of words. I realize now that I tend to change, and so do my beliefs and understanding. Which I now understand as beneficial…

  • Science and Religion

    Don: We have discussed forgiveness as a key element of community, and saw that Jesus made clear there should be no limits on it. He also, in the Lord’s Prayer, made clear that we must forgive others before god will forgive us. Scripture links forgiveness to confession, yet on several occasions— most notably and sweepingly,…

  • Forgiveness 5: … and Healing

    Don: Even today, the concept that illness may be a result of sinful behavior is somewhat prevalent. Patients diagnosed with cancer often tell me they have led relatively blameless lives and have done nothing to deserve it. Jesus developed the relationship between healing and forgiveness extensively in his ministry. There are more than three dozen…