
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: January 2015

  • Mystery XIV: Self-awareness, the Ego, & the Way Back

    Don: In our discussion so far the message seems to be emerging that the way back to god through a true and faithful understanding of the god of our various religions may be a red herring; that the best way is in fact through a true and faithful understanding of our individual selves and of…

  • Mystery XIII: Self-awareness & Confession

    Don: As Isaiah indicated, we are light-years away from understanding god. What was lost in the Fall from the Garden was not simply the nearness of god. As Paul said in Acts 17:24-27: The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell…

  • Mystery XII: The God of All Mankind: Religion vs. Self-awareness?

    Don: Today I am going to propose that perhaps the way back to god is not through discovery, revelation, or insight about god. The fact that there are so many different paths and revelations may be god’s way of teaching us that a religion that seeks or claims to penetrate the mind of god is…

  • Mystery XI: The God of All Mankind: The Benefit of the Diversity of Revelation

    Don: The fundamental questions of humankind are about Creation (Where did we come from?) Revelation (Where are we?) and Salvation (or Re-creation) (Where are we going?). Since the Creation was before our time, and Salvation/re-creation will be after our time, what we can “know” about them can only be through faith. Revelation, however, occurs in…

  • Mystery X: God of All Mankind? Why All the Religions, Then?

    Don: If god is the god of all mankind, why are there so many different religions? So many different paths, so many different entry ways to the same god? Can they all be true? The religions are diverse in concept, practice, and beliefs. Their differences are often contradictory. Why would a god of all mankind…