
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: March 2016

  • Equal Pay?

    Don: The parable of the vineyard workers reflects poor labor policy and a bad business model. It is utterly contrary to the principle of cause and effect and the concept of fairness, which is so important to us in Western civilization. It is certain that the parable is linked to the question posed by the…

  • God’s Not Fair!

    Kiran: From our study of the stories of the Rich Young Ruler, Zaccheus, and others, we have concluded that eternal life is not something we can earn: It is the gift of God. In return, he asks our obedience. What exactly is that? At the conclusion of the story of the RYR Jesus made his…

  • Existential Questions

    Don: It is a primary focus of all the great religions to answer three existential questions: Where do I come from? Why am I here? And: Where will I go after death? They are in essence questions of creation, revelation, and salvation. Most religions teach that the afterlife is a reward—or a punishment—for the life…

  • How to Inherit Eternal Life

    Don: We have studied the stories of the Rich Young Ruler and the lawyer, both of whom asked Jesus how they could inherit eternal life. Other scriptural stories—the Pharisee and the Publican, the blind man on the road to Jericho, and Zaccheus the tax collector—provide additional insight regarding the answer to that question: And [Jesus]…