
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: December 2016

  • Worshiping in Truth

    Don: The concept of worshiping “in truth” depends on what we mean by “truth.” If my truth is derived from and upheld by my data, my facts, my knowledge and is different from your truth, then clearly worshiping in truth—even within a single religion or church—presents a source of potential conflict. But if by “truth”…

  • Worshiping In Spirit and Truth

    Don: In the story where Jesus met a Samaritan woman at a well, Jesus made one of only eight or nine short, declarative statements concerning God recorded in the entire history of his ministry. That makes it intensely significant. He was generally much more given to asking questions or telling parables.* In the story, the…

  • Worship Defined?

    Don: Worship is both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it is defined as the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. Synonyms include reverence, veneration, adoration, glorification, and exaltation. As a verb, worship is to show reverence and adoration for a deity; to honor with religious rights. Synonyms include…

  • Why Do We Worship?

    Don: God calls us to worship. The command to worship is found throughout the scriptures. Worship seems to be hardwired into us: Everybody worships something. Often, it is something we don’t know or understand very well — a mystery. Yet not knowing unsettles us, to the point of making things up to fill gaps in…