
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: March 2017

  • Worship and Culture

    Don: Most people everywhere, at all times, of all faiths, worship. Most of us are natural-born worshippers. Mankind seems to have a compelling need to worship. It is likely that the most important factor influencing the object of our worship is the culture of our place of birth. We may change the objects and patterns…

  • A New Paradigm for Worship

    Don: Paul revealed a new paradigm for worship, stripped of ritual and symbols, when he wrote: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this…

  • Church Worship vs. Corporate Worship…?

    Don: In our discussion so far, we have defined personal worship as not just worshiping alone but worshiping with the desired end-product of some individual benefit; and we have defined corporate worship as not just organized worship in church but worship which is in service to others—it is both plural and participatory. In other words,…