Month: September 2017
The Barren Fig Tree I
Don: The story of the barren fig tree is told in Matthew and Mark: In the morning, as he was returning to the city, he became hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the wayside, he went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And he said to it, “May no fruit…
The God of Many Faces II
Don: When cleansing the temple of moneylenders and the like, Jesus said that a house of prayer should be for everyone. This idea has not hitherto been associated with the idea that God does not want everyone to see Him in a uniform way. If He had, the argument goes, He would surely have shown…
The God of Many Faces
Don: God is the God of all mankind, and His body is the temple—the portal to God. How does this affect communal prayer in a humanity that manifestly holds multiple—perhaps thousands—of different views of God? Men and women throughout history have believed in the existence of a supernatural force or entity. It follows that they…
Different God, Shared Worship?
Don: The incident in which Jesus overturned tables in the temple was intended to be a teaching point: And He began to teach and say to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a robbers’ den.” (Mark 11:17) His…