
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: March 2018

  • Religious Authority II

    Don: After the Pharisees demanded to know of Jesus the authority for His ministry, He recited a parable, now known as the parable of the Two Sons: “But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go work today in the vineyard.’ And he answered, ‘I…

  • Religious Authority

    Don: Where does religion come from? Do we need it, and if so, why? After His triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, His cleansing of the temple, and His instant withering of a barren fig tree, the Jewish religious authorities demanded that Jesus reveal the authority for His acts. As was so often the case, He answered…

  • Prayer: The Way Home

    Don: Humankind was created to be one with God and with each other. This was God’s original plan. But the Fall resulted in the breakup of that oneness. We became estranged from God and from one another. All religions are essentially trying to help us journey back to oneness with God, whether in the Christian…

  • What’s the Point of Prayer?

    Don: God’s original plan, it seems, was to be in constant, continual contact with humankind. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve walked and talked with Him. Even after the Fall from the garden, God maintained constant conversation with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Elijah, Elisha, and the other prophets. Throughout the theocracy—the period…

  • Samson’s Suicidal Prayer II

    Don: How do we make sense of a prayer for revenge? Can God honor such a prayer? More than we might wish, Samson is like us. Each of us is a gift from God. As children, we are drawn naturally to God, which is how we know that children have faith. Indeed, Jesus said that…