Month: October 2018
God and Government
Seventh Day Adventists and the Jehovah’s Witnesses have strong views not only about God (as is to be expected) but also about government. The eschatology of Adventism is replete with the notion of the unification of church and state to suppress God’s people at the End of Time. It has been the source of foundational…
Sabbath & Grace 2
The subject of a Sabbath rest recurs throughout the Bible, from Genesis through Revelation, from the Creation of this earth to the Creation of a new earth: “For just as the new heavens and the new earth Which I make will endure before Me,” declares the Lord, “So your offspring and your name will endure….
Grace and Sabbath
Today we will consider the Sabbath as evidence of God’s grace. I introduce the topic with some trepidation, because the meaning of the Sabbath is different among people in this group. Those indoctrinated in the concept of Sabbath might see it as the correct day for worship, a distinguishing sign for God’s people, and essential…
Grace vs. Works
Works seem to be the biggest impediment to our understanding of grace. If we are saved by grace through faith (as Ephesians 2:8 says we are), then what is the purpose, value, and function of works? Some have said that although we cannot be saved by our works, we can be lost by them. In…