
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: January 2019

  • God and Government 14: Defining Doctrine

    Jesus told the Sadducees that they understood neither Scripture nor the power of God. If “understanding Scripture” is defined as doctrine, then was Jesus putting doctrine not in opposition, but rather in juxtaposition, to the power of God? Was He saying that doctrine needs to be studied to be understood, whereas the power of God…

  • God and Government 13: Doctrine and Culture

    We’ve been discussing doctrine as it pertains to faith groups. But does doctrine say more about God than about us? Does doctrine have a greater influence on culture (either in the broad sense or in the narrower sense of religion/the church) or does culture influence doctrine more?   We know from psychological studies that a…

  • God and Government 12: Doctrine in the Life of the Believer

    The story in Matthew 22:23-33 we have been studying is also captured by Mark: Some Sadducees (who say that there is no resurrection) came to Jesus, and began questioning Him, saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves behind a wife and leaves no child, his brother should marry…

  • God and Government 11: The Role of Religious Doctrine in Mediating Our Relationship with God

    In His “render” statement, Jesus seems to be saying that in every life, there are circumstances that require us to recognize the influence of God and government respectively, and to recognize that each does have some authority over us—an authority to which we are required to respond when we can.  For most of earth’s history,…