
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: August 2019

  • What’s in Religion for Me?

    We might answer the question in the topic in one of at least three ways: My religion is holy and true. By believing and practicing it, I have my best chance for Heaven, since Heaven is reserved for people of my faith, God is what I am, and God expects me to follow this way….

  • Religion and Faith At Their Core

    Technology and globalization have always pressured religion. Historically contrived lines are being blurred at the present time through the mixing of diverse cultures as a result of technology and globalization. Here’s a recent example showing how the Church of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon Church) has struggled with new things: Church Clarifies Word of Wisdom, Stance…

  • Religion, Culture, and Change

    How do we know when God is behind a push for change? Take, for example, the push for the ordination of women in ministry in the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church: Is God behind it? Is He against it? Or is He agnostic, not caring either way? How can we tell? Prophets interpret the will…

  • Drivers of Culture and Religion

    Editor’s note: A church event limited the number of participants this week to three, with a fourth joining part way through. Don elected to postpone his usual opening remarks until next Sabbath. This discussion was centered around Donald’s recent intercourse with an Amish family. To what extent is the Amish way of life driven by…