
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: December 2019

  • Evangelism Today

    Today we will put our discussion of evangelism, which began with a study of the Woes of the Pharisee—in particular, the Woe they suffered from their evangelism. First, we turn to some recent statistics to provide some context and background that helps us locate evangelism in our modern world. Here are findings from a Barna…

  • Two Types of Conversion

    Besides convertee and convertor, there is a third party to any conversion deal: God. The convertor’s role may be minor in comparison to God’s role. The convertor may serve as a guide and teacher, but should never coerce. The 2015 Pew Religious Landscape study gave a partial look into conversion, or what it calls “religious…

  • Conversion

    We use the words “proselytize” and “evangelize” synonymously, but did Jesus distinguish between them? What about other words we use to mean roughly the same thing: Witnessing, sharing our faith, soul winning, indoctrination? In the “Woes” what was Jesus referring to when He condemned Pharisee proselytism? Some scholars argue that He was referring to the…

  • Proselytizing and the Great Commission

    What is so evil about proselytizing, about winning souls? In some parts of Scripture, Jesus seems to encourage it: “…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the…