
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: November 2020

  • Culture and Faith

    Today we will explore the relationship between culture and faith. Can you have faith without culture? Can you have culture without faith? With a few exceptions, I would have to say that most of us who are in this class come from different cultures, different countries, different backgrounds. We speak different languages, have different dreams,…

  • The Origin of Faith: Gift Card from God?

    We’ve been studying faith in the context of Jesus’ statement that it is one of the weightier matters of the law, along with mercy and justice. There must be some truth in that, since we’ve been studying the topic for almost four months. A theologian has written that faith is both one of the most…

  • Faith and Personality

    The people in the hall of faith have diverse personalities. Esau is a man of the land, a hunter given to emotional outbursts. Jacob is a stay-at-home mothers boy. Moses is insecure, timid, and riddled with doubt. Gideon is also doubt-ridden but is bargaining and analytical. Each of these—and all the others in the faith…

  • Faith In Action, In Character, In Me, or In God?

    We’ve been looking at stories of faith in the Bible characters mentioned in Hebrews 11. We’ve been seeking a working definition of faith. Central to our discussion has been the question of the relationship between the senses and faith. It has been proposed that faith can only operate when the senses are inactive—that if something…