
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: December 2020

  • Faith and Science

    For the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about faith and culture; more specifically, faith and technology. We talked about faith in the virtual world. We talked about faith and artificial intelligence and we talked about faith and and transhumanism. Today, I’d like to share some thoughts based on those discussions. But first, I’d like…

  • Faith and Technology

    In August of this year, Elon Musk unveiled a pig called Gertrude with a coin-sized computer chip in her brain to demonstrate his ambitious plan to create a working brain–machine interface. His startup company, which is called Neuralink, applied to launch human trials last year. They’ve not been approved yet. This interface could allow people…

  • Faith in the Context of AI

    We’ve been working through a very long discussion about faith in the context of Jesus’s comment that faith, justice, and mercy are the “weightier matters of the law.” In discussing faith’s cultural context, the subject of technology came up, so lately we’ve been looking specifically at the issues of technology. Last week, we talked about…

  • Faith in a Virtual World

    Don: We’ve been talking about faith in the context of Jesus’s statement that faith, justice and mercy are the weightier matters of the law. Last week, we were looking at the relationship between culture and faith. That is: What effect does faith have on culture, and what effect does culture have on faith? Just as…