
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: February 2021

  • Faith in Things Unseen

    We’ve been discussing faith since August in the context of Jesus’s comments to the Pharisees in the “Woes” that they should pay more attention to the weightier matters of the law—Mercy, justice and faith. What does your faith require proof of? Maybe a better way of putting it is: How much evidence is required for…

  • Faith, Weak and Strong

    As we’ve seen in our discussion so far, faith is an elusive subject. I hope you’re not too tired of it yet, because I feel we’re making some progress and understanding it a little bit more as our discussion progresses. Last week, we looked at two aspects of faith: Ordinary, common, universal faith—the faith of…

  • Faith, General and Specific

    Last week we looked at faith as a spiritual gift. Like all spiritual gifts, faith is not shared by everyone. This is a hard concept to get around. These gifts are individually given. They may be permanent or transient gifts. They are given for the good of the community, and they’re often given in times…

  • Faith As a Spiritual Gift

    Our study of faith so far has proven that the subject is more elusive maybe than we had originally thought, or at least that it’s difficult to arrive at a simple but comprehensive definition of faith. Perhaps it’s easier to recognize faith or even to embrace faith than it is to define faith. The late…