
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: March 2021

  • Peace: The Fruit of Faith

    Last week we proposed that what we have heretofore called faith is not really faith at all. The idea that we can somehow control God, by our prayers, our piety, and our behavior—that we can leverage God to work things out to our advantage—is not faith but something I’ve labeled antifaith. I also propose that…

  • Faith and Anti-faith: Time for a Reset

    For more than six months, we’ve been studying the topic of faith, looking for definitions of it. Where does faith come from? What are its sources? What is the quantity and the quality of faith in terms of how it’s to be utilized? Some weeks we’ve almost despaired, wondering if faith exists at all. Several…

  • Faith: Sensible or Senseless?

    Today we’re going to talk about faith and the senses. As we were wrapping up our discussion last week, a consensus seemed to be developing that faith is an experience outside of the senses—some kind of extrasensory experience. Science, in contrast, is highly dependent upon the senses. We evaluate things by sight, touch, hearing, smell,…