
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: May 2021

  • Righteousness, Obedience, Grace, and Faith

    Today, we’re moving on from our 10-month-long discussion of faith. It has been an adventure from which I for one have learned a lot about what faith is, what faith isn’t, how faith works, what faith does. We’ve spent the last few weeks talking about the ultimate future and the survival of faith. This is…

  • God vs. Technology?

    Our worldview influences our doctrine and our doctrine in turn influences our faith. Technology and the rate of change of data management and informatics will become so rapid that we will have no time to rethink, redo, and rewrite our doctrines. They will likely become irrelevant or obsolete in the face of a world so…

  • Worldview, Faith, and Change

    In 1850, about the time that our Seventh Day Adventist faith community was founded, most people lived the majority of their lives within about a 10 mile radius. Your worldview and your view of God were determined by the immediate circle of your family and your few friends. There was no television, no radio, no…

  • Belief, Evangelism, Faith Community

    Earlier this week, at 11 pm (well past my bedtime) I was awakened out of a sound sleep with a text message. Usually at that late hour it’s about one of my patients at the hospital, some resident or nurse calling with a question or because something’s gone wrong or to give me an update….

  • Faith Community

    To further our study of faith communities I propose for consideration today three faith groups: The Jews of the Old Testament, the kingdom of heaven faith community as outlined by Jesus in the gospels, and the faith group of Revelation 7—the uncountable multitude:  After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no…