
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: April 2022

  • The True Message of Evangelism

    We’ve been talking about grace and evangelism, using as our reference point stories from the Book of Acts, chapters 2, 5, 8, and 10. In those stories, we see the spread of the gospel of grace to the Jews in Judea, to the Samaritans, into Asia Minor, and even into Africa, in fulfillment of the…

  • The Gospel of Grace

    In Acts 2, in the earliest days of the Christian church, the church was composed primarily of Jewish Christians. By Acts 8, the gospel had spread to the Samaritans who were ethnically mixed Jews and Christians who also accepted the gospel of grace. In Acts 10, Peter is the first apostle to take the gospel…

  • Grace Gone Bad: False and Fatal Religion

    We have been talking about grace, that elusive concept about God’s mercy and forgiveness. Part really of the mystery of godliness, grace elicits strong emotions—anger and jealousy, joy and enthusiasm, peace and tranquility. Today we’ll consider: Is there such a thing as too much grace? Can grace be too much emphasized? Can it be overemphasized? …

  • A Religion of Grace

    We have been talking about grace in the context that God is seeking to reveal his secrets, which are called “mysteries” in the New Testament, meaning truths previously unknown or truths poorly understood but now more clearly revealed.  We have talked about the mystery of iniquity—the source and the meaning of evil. We have talked…

  • Grace-Based Religion?

    When last we met, we looked at the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. We’re trying to answer the question: What does it mean that God is the God of all mankind, that none are excluded, and that it’s a learning experience, it seems, for both the apostles and the Gentiles—those who are the…