
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: May 2022

  • Sacred vs. Profane Perspectives on Grace

    We’ve been talking about grace and obedience, and how good we have to be to be saved. We’re trying to draw some of these concepts together. We’ve learned that obedience, which is another way of saying doing things God’s way, is, in general, a better way to live. It brings honor to God, but it…

  • Grace and Covenants

    I personally have learned a great deal from talking about grace and the freedom that comes from a realization that we don’t have to save ourselves. Last week, Carolyn asked where did grace come from? Was it present in the garden? Others wondered about the relationship between grace and works. It just seems like grace…

  • How Does Grace Transform Us?

    The mystery that God is the God of all mankind (the third mystery we studied) has led us on a long discussion of grace. As Michael said to me in an email last week, I never knew very much about grace, but now I see it everywhere, and I can’t get enough of it. That’s…

  • Hosea and Gomer: A Graceful Couple?

    Is there such a thing as too much grace? Can grace be overemphasized in the believer’s life?  During our lengthy discussion on grace, a few people have said to me: “Aren’t you talking too much about grace? Aren’t you ignoring the sanctification process? Aren’t you giving people a license to sin? Isn’t your message one…