
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: November 2022

  • God the Adoptive Father and God the Husband

    We’re talking about knowing God and being known by God, about the judgment, and the pronouncement that “I never knew you—I don’t know who you are” and how an all-knowing God could ever possibly say “I don’t know you.”  Last week we read that to be known by God, we must be adopted. It bears…

  • Knowing God

    We’ve been talking about the judgment, the end of times, the signs of the end, hell, outer darkness, and the open door of grace. In the four parables of Matthew 24 and 25 we saw illustrations of all of these concepts. But we were also introduced, through the criteria for judgment, to the concept of…

  • The Open Door

    We’re talking about the end of time, judgment, hell, and associated fires. Last week, we looked at the outer darkness, a place absent of light, a place absent the presence of God who is the source of all light and who dispels the darkness.  The opposite of outer darkness is the presence of God. The…

  • Judgment 2.0?

    In our discussions in the past, we have talked about six principles regarding judgment:  We’ve also noted that Jesus had much to say about judgment, particularly as he approached the end of his ministry. He addressed it in the “Olivet discourse” we have been discussing lately from Matthew 24 and 25.  Today, I’d like to…