
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: February 2024

  • BS in Grace

    David: Our fundamental goal in recent weeks has been to understand the grand concept of Grace. Last week I affirmed that Grace was both synonymous with and a part of agape Love, and I asked whether, when we dissect agape Love into its constituent parts—as grace, mercy, forgiveness, etc.—there a danger that we fail to…

  • Agape Love

    David: “In the beginning, was the Word,” as we all well know. Last week, Michael proposed that the Word is God’s Grace. John’s opening passage of the New Testament makes clear that the Word is God and, argues Michael, since both Father and Son are part of the Trinity, the Word is also Jesus Christ….

  • The Trinity of Grace

    Don: We’ve been discussing grace and its various aspects. Just before this conversation, Sharon mentioned that grace isn’t a subject often thoroughly discussed in many circles, and we are much the poorer for not emphasizing grace. The irony (as we’ve noted before) is that when you examine the ministry and message of Jesus—from the inception…

  • The Scandal of Free Grace

    Note: The first part of Don’s opening remarks are taken from the FEBRUARY 19, 2022 discussion called “Pregnant With Grace“. To preface our discussion, Becky May provided the following excerpt from Ann Voskamp’s book The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas:  She became a space. Mary—she opens her hands and she nods….