
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: April 2024

  • The Clock and the Sabbath

    Note: An updated version of Michael’s talk was published on January 5, 2025) For the last two weeks, we have been discussing the Sabbath as a sacred time of rest and Grace. A statement that Dr. Weaver has mentioned in both of the classes is going to be the starting point of our discussion today,…

  • The Sabbath as Evidence of God’s Grace 2

    Don: This is the second part of a two-part series on Sabbath and grace. Of necessity and for context, there’ll be some duplication from last week so that those of you who weren’t here will not be lost.  The subject of a Sabbath recurs throughout the Bible. From Genesis through Revelation, from the creation of…

  • The Sabbath as Evidence of God’s Grace

    I introduce this topic with some reservation because the meaning of the Sabbath varies among us here. Those raised as Seventh Day Adventists might see it as the correct day for worship, a distinguishing sign for God’s people, and something essential for salvation. This is not official doctrine, but Sabbath-keeping has long been considered a…

  • Grace and the Old and New Covenants

    Last week, we looked at the different views of the doctrine of salvation among Protestants and the various sects within Adventism. Today, we are going to explore the practical implications of these differences and how they shape our understanding of moral law. Despite the differences, all major Adventist views, as well as mainstream Protestant beliefs,…