
Between Heaven and Earth

Month: August 2024

  • The Boundless Gift: Exploring Grace Beyond Faith and Deeds

    God’s grace is a concept that often transcends human understanding. In this world, we are accustomed to thinking in terms of fairness, cause and effect, and the notion that what we receive is proportionate to what we give. Our understanding of merit and reward is often centered on what seems just—where effort leads to an…

  • Death and Grace

    I have been fascinated by the topic of death for years now. Mystics and sages say that the only way to live life fully is to accept our deaths. That’s easy, you may say, I’m fully aware that I’m going to die, I’m just a human after all.  But Ernest Becker begs to differ with…

  • The Path of Grace: Understanding the Narrow Gate and the Risk of Falling from Grace

    Grace, in its essence, is ubiquitous and everlasting. Like oxygen, it surrounds us, envelops us, and is freely available to all. Yet, a perplexing paradox emerges. If grace is so abundant, why won’t everyone be saved?  Last week David concluded that it is tough for one to fall from grace and the only way one…

  • Falling from Grace?

    Many Christians seem troubled by the idea of “falling from grace.” It is a fairly common phrase; at any rate, I seem to have heard it a lot. Funnily enough, though, I was able to find it in only two Bible verses, both from Paul:  “You who are trying to be justified by the law…