Armageddon and the Future of Humanity
Read more: Armageddon and the Future of HumanityFig. 1. Site of the coming final battle between Good and Evil: Tel Megiddo (a.k.a. Armageddon), containing archaeological remains from the Bronze and Iron Ages. Source: Avram Graicer – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36308008 Good morning, and thank you for this opportunity to explore what global scriptural prophecies—particularly those from the Bible and most…
Seeing God’s Glory Through Grace Upon Grace
Read more: Seeing God’s Glory Through Grace Upon GraceToday’s class is mostly taken from previous classes. In it, I would first like to answer a question Carloyn asked about the glory of God. Second, I will attempt to answer the question, what is this grace upon grace that we’ve been given according to Jesus. Jesus encourages obedience, which we’ve defined as “doing things…
Time and the Clock
Read more: Time and the ClockGenesis 1:1-5 – “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth… And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.” Have you ever noticed that God created time on the very first day of creation? By doing so, He established time as sacred, setting it apart to mark His will and the…
Divine Sarcasm
Read more: Divine SarcasmIs God funny? Does God tell jokes? Have you ever considered whether God has a sense of humor? This may not be a topic that you’ve heard a preacher talk about during a church sermon, but is there something we can learn about God’s sense of humor? I think God does have a sense of…
Stepping Out in Faith: The Metaphor of Jesus Walking on Water
Read more: Stepping Out in Faith: The Metaphor of Jesus Walking on WaterToday, we will focus on the biblical account of Jesus walking on water, as described in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John. All three accounts describe Jesus defying natural laws by walking on the Sea of Galilee. Only Matthew includes Peter’s attempt to join Him. While some dismiss this story as a myth or…
Overwhelmed by the Light Within: Mary’s Encounter with Grace
Read more: Overwhelmed by the Light Within: Mary’s Encounter with GraceAs we celebrate Christmas this week, I chose the Annunciation of Mary as the focus for our discussion on grace. This event, a cornerstone of the Christmas story, illuminates profound truths about divine grace and human response. While the season makes this topic particularly fitting, there is another reason for this choice, which I will…
[…] This is an update to Michael’s talk first given on April 2024, therefore there is no discussion. Please use…