Author: David Ellis
Why Do We Worship?
Don: God calls us to worship. The command to worship is found throughout the scriptures. Worship seems to be hardwired into us: Everybody worships something. Often, it is something we don’t know or understand very well — a mystery. Yet not knowing unsettles us, to the point of making things up to fill gaps in…
From Mystery to Worship
Don: We have been discussing whether, and if so how, we might share our understanding and/or experience of the mystery of God. It was suggested that we might do so through worship, and that worship is all that is left to us after we have exhausted all means of understanding God. We can help to…
Mystery and the Certain Way to God
Don: Mystery is to knowledge what blindness is to sight. The tension between the need to know about God and the need to live with the mystery of God lies at the interface in many of the conflicts we find in our churches today. For thousands of years, religion has been about knowing and explaining…
The Psychology of Mystery
Jay: Is mystery important to our spirituality? Here are some passages that suggest it is, at least, important to the psyche: 1. An artist called John Newling went to insurers Lloyd’s of London in 2006 and asked them to underwrite him against ‘loss of mystery’ — in other words, to offer to pay out if…
Blindness IX: Mystery vs. Knowledge
Don: Data, information, and knowledge are about things known. Mystery is about things unknown. On the face of it, it seems preposterous to think that all mankind, born everywhere, in all ages, from all cultures, from all walks of life, all educational backgrounds, and life experiences should see God—and, even more preposterously, believe in God—in…
Blindness VIII
Now the king of Aram was warring against Israel; and he counseled with his servants saying, “In such and such a place shall be my camp.” The man of God [Elisha, the prophet] sent word to the king of Israel saying, “Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Arameans are coming down…
Blindness VII
Don: The story of the man blind from birth reveals the entire spectrum of Man’s spiritual blindness. Some, like the blind man himself before his encounter with Jesus, have zero spiritual context. Some, like the neighbors, have some limited spiritual insight but are so confused that more information only confuses them more. Some, like the…
Blindness VI
Don: The participants in the story of the man blind from birth provide insights into the human condition. They portray the spectrum of Man’s experience before God. Some of us are like the blind man himself, with no spiritual context whatsoever, isolated from an experience, a relationship, a framework with God; yet, in an instant,…
Blindness V
Don: Unlike most of the diseases mentioned in the Bible, blindness is not life-threatening, not communicable, and does not condemn the sufferer to be shackled (as was the case with some of the mentally ill) or physically isolated from the community (as was the case with lepers). Blindness is a danger to no-one but the…