Author: David Ellis
This meeting was severely disrupted as a result of last week’s lightning strike on the church. I was connected via Skype to Don, who was visiting Saudi Arabia, and to Ada, who lives in Canada, and to the church classroom in Taylor, Michigan via someone’s cellphone with speakerphone capability. My iPhone was also on speakerphone…
The Keys to the Kingdom
Don: As we were concluding our discussion last week on the topic of conflict resolution, Jason asked what was the meaning of Matthew 18 verse 17: “If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a…
Conflict Resolution 2
Don: Jesus’s remarks in Matthew 18 about conflict resolution are confrontational and may leave those of us who prefer to avoid confrontation feeling uncomfortable. The principles he espoused were that the confrontation should be done without delay and that if it cannot be achieved one-to-one then others in the community should be brought in. M….
Conflict Resolution
Don: First, some additional commentary on our discussion last week, where we noted that the one element common to all three “Parables of the Lost” (Coin, Sheep, and [Prodigal] Son) is that, though individually different in kind, the Lost are all equally, actively sought. This display of grace and effort to save the Lost describes…
In Whose Name?
Don: Last week we discussed whether a faith community is essential to the individual’s relationship with god. At the end of the meeting, the question was asked: Did Jesus’ statement that “Wherever two or three are gathered together in my name” imply that only Christians can have a relationship with god? Scripture gives hundreds of…
Community and Individualism II
Don: What is the relationship between the faith community and the individual, in terms of the individual’s spiritual need and growth? To put it another way: How important is it for an individual to be part of a faith community in order to have a deep spiritual life? It is not commonly thought that one…
Community and Individualism
Don: Matthew 18 begins with the question: Who will be greatest in the kingdom of heaven? This is really a question about how authority should be determined and managed in a community. Jesus replied that childlike innocence—a desire not to seek authority—is a key element in producing a strongly bonded community. Mutual deference is a…
The Unmerciful Servant
Matthew 18:21-35 Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. “For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be…
Puzzles of the Prodigal Son
Don: On one level, the parable of the prodigal son is about the relationship between god and man, about god’s graciousness, and about the open arms of god. Without undermining this face-value meaning of the story, at a deeper level we may see it as a story about Wo/man’s relationship with herself and himself. It…