
Between Heaven and Earth

Author: David Ellis

  • Fay on “Evil”

    From: Faten Date: December 17, 2012 Re: Notes from December 15 Hello everyone, First, I’d like to thank you all again for your kindness. Secondly, just wanted to share a few thoughts. Actually, just a few questions that came to mind, to contemplate… On “Evil” Yes, the Newtown shooting was/is oh so so sooo sad!…

  • Evil III: Newtown Massacre of Innocents

    Evil Don: This has been an emotional week. I was impressed and deeply moved by Faten’s response to last week’s discussion. It was a lusty, full-throated defense of her faith and of God, and I found it incredibly inspiring. The only thing I disagreed with was her worry that she might be embarrassing her mother…

  • From Fay, with Love

    Hello everyone, This is Fay D’Anna, Alice Rihani’s daughter. I just read this, as I read all your beautiful thoughts and words that have been such a blessing to me in these past months since my beloved mother has been sharing these wonderful emails with me. Even though I don’t see you all or know…

  • Evil II

    Before the meeting proper got under way, Don shared with us the very sad news that Alice and her family have suffered another tragedy, in the discovery of brain tumors in Alice’s daughter Fay. Don noted that this kind of evil —  a natural evil, not one caused by an evil human being —  always…

  • Samaritan & Judgment

    Jay conducted the meeting. Jay: Last week we were looking at parables dealing in some way with judgment – the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares, and the Good Samaritan. If the latter two are both about judgment, we ought to be able to discern some similarities among them. The parables are:…

  • Judgment

    Don recapped that we are in the final stages of our consideration of the metaphor of the sheep and the shepherd – of our relationships with God and each other (via Matthew 25.) It is a puzzling metaphor. Ostensibly, it is a simple judgment scene where good people end up in the Kingdom while bad…

  • Evil I

    Evil Don: One of the questions that has arisen out of our discussion is that we see God primarily as being in the business of uniting, and the devil as being in the business of dividing. Is Matthew 25 referring not to individual judgment, but to a judgment of Evil itself, at the end of…

  • Wandering Sheep X: Goats

    The Parable of the Lost Sheep contd.   Don: This may be the final session in our study of the Lost Sheep parable, based on Matthew 18. Who are the goats? How do goats differ from sheep? Can goats become sheep and vice versa? How much can we gain from the metaphor? What does it…

  • Wandering Sheep IX: Kinds of Sheep

    Don: The description of Jesus as being The Way is not just about Jesus but about his methods, teaching, humility, love, sacrifice, etc., and is more descriptive than prescriptive. The Way (the door to the Kingdom) is through the message and the medium of Jesus, but if you don’t know that, it does not deprive…