
Between Heaven and Earth

Author: David Ellis

  • Different God, Shared Worship?

    Don: The incident in which Jesus overturned tables in the temple was intended to be a teaching point: And He began to teach and say to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a robbers’ den.” (Mark 11:17) His…

  • To Turn the Tables, or To Turn the Other Cheek?

    Don: The possible explanations for the apparently out-of-character actions of Jesus in disrupting the money changers in the temple are either that his humanity overcame his divinity, or that his divinity overcame his humanity. In both cases, he was expressing righteous indignation and distress at the merchants’ activities in his Father’s house. God the Father…

  • Stumbling Blocks to Worship

    Don: Among the synoptic gospels, there are slight differences in the story in which Jesus rebuked money changers for plying their trade in the temple. For instance, John puts it near the end of Jesus’s ministry while the others put it near the beginning. To me, this and other minor discrepancies are unimportant; what is…

  • Doctrinal Distinction and the Kingdom of Heaven

    Don: We are discussing whether doctrine helps bring us closer to God. In the Gospels—which contain the teaching, the doctrine, of Jesus—doctrine centers around the two great Commandments to love God and to love one another. For Protestant Christians, doctrine grew out of the Reformation, when Martin Luther developed a view of salvation different from…

  • In Defense of Doctrine

    Don: Doctrine is derived primarily from Scripture. Jesus hinted at a potential danger with doctrine: “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me;…” (John 5:39) Mankind so easily embraces doctrine as being the key to eternal life, but true doctrine is the teaching…

  • Worship and Doctrine

    Don: What is the role of doctrine in worship? The word for doctrine is mentioned more than 50 times in the Old and New Testaments. The dictionary definition is: A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group. Synonyms include: Creed, dogma, belief, teaching, and ideology. In…

  • Worship and Technology VIII: Seeking God

    Don: The reunification and reconciliation of Man and God is at the core of the acts and processes of worship. To seek God is to acknowledge that there is a space where He exists—a “God space”—that Man seeks, if not to occupy then at least to find the entryway thereto. One might argue that Man…

  • Worship and Technology VII: Seeking and Knowing

    Jay: The Bible has much to say on the topic of God seeking Man and Man seeking God, and on God knowing Man and Man knowing God. For example: 
“For affliction does not come from the dust,
 Nor does trouble sprout from the ground, 
For man is born for trouble,
 As sparks fly upward. But…

  • Technology and Worship VI: Physical and Spiritual Magisteria

    Don: Technology strengthens, enables, and empowers us in many ways. It turns us into something we are not, or were not. It is as if it is turning us into gods ourselves, at least in a physical sense. Is this the driving force behind our addiction with technology? After the Fall, Man initiated the use…