The Crucifixion: The Final Judgment and the Dawn of Grace
Read more: The Crucifixion: The Final Judgment and the Dawn of GraceDo you recall the beginning of the biblical chapter on Job? The chapter starts by offering us the backstory of why the events unfolded in the life of Job as they did. We, as the readers, are witness to an engaging discussion between God and satan. This backstory provides us the answer to the “why”…
Ways to Grace: Bacterial and Viral
Read more: Ways to Grace: Bacterial and ViralPrefaceBefore I begin, I want to say that I was greatly enlightened by Kiran’s history of Adventism in class last week. Afterwards, I was further enlightened, not to say shocked, when I watched the Ty Gibson video Kiran mentioned. All that enlightenment came at the cost of some dismay. It made me see that many…
Fear of the Investigative Judgment or Confidence in God’s Grace?
Read more: Fear of the Investigative Judgment or Confidence in God’s Grace?Last week, I noticed an interesting divide in how our class thinks about salvation and final judgment. Some of us believe that God will ultimately save everyone, while others hold that salvation is only for those who exercise their free will and actively choose to accept Jesus. Even among those who believe in free will,…
Divine Violence in the Book of Revelation
Read more: Divine Violence in the Book of RevelationToday I am going to share something that I have been thinking about for a while. It’s about how Jesus executes justice when He returns a second time. Many of us think that He is going to do it with great violence. You know, before Jesus was born, many Jewish people were desperately waiting for…
Eschatology and Grace in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Read more: Eschatology and Grace in the Seventh-day Adventist ChurchToday, I want to explore the role of grace in the Seventh-day Adventist understanding of eschatology—by that, I mean the Last Days events. A quick disclaimer: Some of the thoughts I share may seem a little bit controversial or maybe even out there, but my intention isn’t to provoke or challenge anyone’s faith. Instead, I…
Our Futures
Read more: Our FuturesGood morning, and thank you for joining me once again as we continue to navigate the intricate and often challenging terrain of the Book of Revelation. As I said last week, I am no theological expert on this complex text, and though I’ve come to appreciate Dr. Weaver’s warning about the “theological challenges” scattered throughout…
[…] This is an update to Michael’s talk first given on April 2024, therefore there is no discussion. Please use…